The simple reason is because people like to get things. People especially like to get things in the mail that aren’t bills. Think about it. If your mail consisted of ten invoices and a greeting card, which would you open first? The greeting card, naturally. Who wouldn’t choose a little bit of happy when it’s delivered to their door?
Why a ‘snail mail’ greeting over email?
In addition to giving someone a little lift, there are other reasons to avoid using email for all communication. Consider how many emails the average person gets in one day. Now think about how many times you check your junk folder to make sure you didn’t miss something important. Do you want to spend your time writing a thank you, or a seasonal greeting to a client only to have it vanish into cyberspace?
Even if your email is read, there’s a pretty good shot it’s going to be deleted immediately. Have you ever seen anyone print out their email and place them on the mantel for everyone to see?
I haven’t either. It’s simple. People keep real cards longer.
How many emails do you delete each day without even reading them? If your clients think your email is an advertisement, they might overlook it entirely.
Sending your customers a holiday greeting, a thank you card, or a birthday card lets them know you appreciate them enough to take the time to say so. People feel special when they receive a card addressed to them instead of an email addressed to everyone whose name ends in .com. People who feel valued are going to remember who values them.
Sending an actual card allows you to send other things as well. Insert a calendar in the envelope and make sure your business is remembered all year long. Include a coupon for a discount on your product if used within a certain timeframe. There’s no rule that says you can’t, especially since you’re specifically thanking your customer base.
It’s simple and direct. Thank them for doing business with you and give them an incentive to keep the relationship going.
Take the time to send your customers a holiday or greeting card. They’ll appreciate it and in the long run, so will you.